
FFJ - Banque de France workshop on climate change

Climate change, natural disasters, and financial risk: how could central banks integrate environmental issues into their policies?
27 June 2023, Paris, France + online

Climate change and its associated natural disasters pose significant financial risks to economies around the world. As a result, central banks are increasingly being called upon to integrate environmental issues into their policies. This event will explore the various ways that central banks can incorporate environmental risk into their decision-making, including the use of climate stress tests, the development of green financing initiatives, and the implementation of environmental disclosure requirements. Through expert speakers and panel discussions, participants will gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between climate change and financial risk, as well as the strategies and tools available to central banks to help mitigate these risks.

The purpose of the Macroeco lab, a Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS/Banque de France collaboration, is to analyze Japanese macroeconomic dynamics since the early 1980s and the policies implemented by the Bank of Japan and the Japanese government. It therefore encourages projects that focus on monetary policy, fiscal policy and structural policies, for example in the areas of the labour market, openness to trade and international finance. The political economy of the conditions for implementing these policies and the evaluation of public policies are also part of the objectives of this lab. Finally, emphasis may be placed on a comparative perspective with the European experience in this field.

Published: June 2023