
Cover picture copyright©JCIE


At the end of October, leading experts from business, politics, and media came together in Tokyo to take part in the 32nd German-Japanese Forum (DJF), the Japanese-German Track 1.5 Security Dialogue, and other meetings to discuss global challenges and future opportunities for cooperation. 

This year, the intensive discussion among the DJF participants centered around the theme of ‘Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Effects on Society and its Regulation’. The DJF was created by an agreement between Federal Chancellor Dr. Helmut Kohl and Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa in 1993. It was designed as a non-governmental forum for German and Japanese leaders to engage in dialogue and submit the discussion results in a joint statement to the heads of government of Japan and Germany. The DJF has been organized by the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) and the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and funded by the Japanese and German foreign affairs ministries.

Furthermore, since 2014, the JDZB organizes the annual Japanese-German Track 1.5 Security Dialogue in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the German Federal Foreign Office and the Japan Institute of International Affairs. A closed workshop and a public symposium were held on 1 November 2024, in Tokyo. The public symposium addressed the theme of ‘Japanese-German Cooperation Toward Maintaining and Strengthening the Rules-Based International Order’. In view of the current global political developments, it is more important than ever for Japan and Germany to join forces with other democracies and partners sharing common values, thus enhancing the significance of this security dialogue.

Group photo

Read more about these events and further German-Japanese activities that recently took place in Tokyo on the JDZB website.

The Japanese-German Center Berlin is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to promote and deepen German-Japanese and international exchange in the fields of business, science, culture, society and politics.

Source: JDBZ

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