
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is one of the 6 winning regions of the European programme "International Urban and Regional Cooperation" IURC EU-Japan, which supports cooperation for innovation between European regions and Japanese prefectures.

The objective of the project is to encourage both regions in Europe and prefectures in Japan to share their practices and knowledge towards improving and internationalizing their respective strategies in terms of innovation, regional development, as well as environmental and digital transition. 

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region had identified Japan as a priority area of cooperation in 2016. Therefore, the region and the prefecture of Aichi in Japan – two economically dynamic and historically linked territories – signed on 19 May 2022, a memorandum of understanding and cooperation. This MoU will enable them to intensify economic exchanges related to hydrogen, digital technology, robotics, and the industry of the future.

On the basis of this new cooperation with Aichi, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region wanted to join the EU-Japan IURC programme in order to better understand the innovation policies in the field of hydrogen and digital technology (5G) in Japan and Aichi, as well as the functioning of the Japanese ecosystem in these fields; also to promote and enhance among Japanese and European participants, the policies, assets, experiences and successes of the region and of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes players in these sectors; and to encourage the emergence of inspiring and mutually beneficial collaborative projects.

The programme includes bilateral study visits and webinars. In its second phase, it will also identify and clarify opportunities for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes companies.

In addition, the region's participation in the EU-Japan IURC programme could lead to new networking opportunities with the 5 other selected European authorities, including Catalonia, Spain's leading industrial region and a member of the European network “Four Motors for Europe”.

Solar panels and a wind turbine

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