
INNOVCARE project launch meeting

27-28 March 2024, Paris, France

Innovacare poster

Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS (FFJ) and its partners are pleased to announce the launch meeting of the INNOVCARE project.

The INNOVCARE project (Care-led Innovation: The Case of elderly care in France and Japan), coordinated by the FFJ, has been selected under the Priority Research Programme (France 2030): "Autonomy: ageing and disability". The aim of the project is to develop an alternative concept of care-led innovation based on a comparative study of robotics, AI and digital technologies that can help older people to live independently, but which have limitations identified by those working in the field and by the scientific community. This project tries to overcome these limitations by working towards a better match between social/individual needs, and the contributions made by these technologies. The project brings together a consortium of 18 partners, including 7 from Japan (list is available on INNOVCARE website). It has a 3 million euros substantial budget that will enable it to carry out large-scale inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral research over a period of 5 years, with researchers in the social sciences, robotics specialists, doctors and many other people working in the field on this major issue that is profoundly challenging our societies.

The launch meeting will give the floor to researchers from the project's five work packages: Analysis of needs; Macro and micro analyses of care institutions; Survey and critical analysis of innovations in eldercare; Methodology for the design of interactive systems for care; Two care-led innovation experiments with assistive technologies.

The event programme is available on the INNOVCARE website.
Feel free to contact FFJ if you have any questions about the project at: ffj(at)
Source: Fondation France-Japon

Published: March 2024

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