
16-18 January 2024, Paris, France

IAA+Soc 2024 is an initiative organised by the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). This event provides a forum for innovative dialogue to explore novel research issues and methodology for a future symbiotic society with Artificial Intelligence. The intensive dialogue is planned between junior and senior researchers in the field of social sciences and humanity (SSH) and of computer/engineering sciences (CS/ES), revolving around artificial intelligence, with researchers from Japan, France and Germany. Participants from Japan, such as Kurihara Satoshi (Keio Univ.), Emura Katsumi (AIP Network lab.), Mase Kenji (Nagoya Univ.), Kuzuoka Hideaki (Univ. of Tokyo), Izumi Kiyoshi (Univ. of Tokyo), Kameda Tatsuya (Univ. of Tokyo), Endo Kaoru (Faculty of Law, Gakushuin Univ.) and so on, and participants from France such as Valérie Beaudouin (EHESS), Jean Lassègue (CNRS), Sébastien Lechevalier (EHESS), Jean-Pierre Nadal (EHESS), Winston Maxwell (Télécom Paris), Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), Tiphaine Viard (Télécom Paris) and so on, will have the opportunity to present the current state of their research and to debate in the following panels: 

  • Panel 1: Working in a Cyber-Physical AI world: which interactions between human beings and machines
  • Panel 2: AI ethics: how to envisage fair and explicable uses of AI? The impact of generative AI on child development and the transformation of educational models.
  • Panel 3: Creativity and AI: machine creativity, auctoriality, authors' rights, what reconfigurations for the cultural industries?
  • Panel 4: The Influence of AI and information technologies on human communication, consensus building.

A side event will also be organized on the 18 January evening at the Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris on the topic “What future for work in the 5.0 society?”.

Source: EHESS
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