
During its visit to Tokyo in September, the team of InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA) held meetings with “Marubeni Corporation” – a Japanese company with interests in the field of automotive, energy and food industry, “Kyodo-PR Corporation”- the largest PR agency in Japan, the Japan-Bulgaria Economic Committee, and the Japan Institute for Overseas Investments.

During the meetings, the conditions and opportunities for investing, starting and developing a business in Bulgaria were presented. In addition, the possibilities for dissemination of information related to investment projects in Bulgaria were also discussed.
During the meeting between IBA and the Japan Institute for Overseas Investments, a cooperation agreement was signed in the presence of H.E. Marieta Arabadzhieva, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to Japan and Krasimir Ivanov, commercial attaché in Tokyo.
The agreement was signed by Mr. Bogdan Bogdanov, Executive Director of IBA and Mr. Toshiyuki Kosugi, President of the Japan Institute for Overseas Investments.

This agreement will become an important mechanism for stimulating and supporting businesses in the Republic of Bulgaria and Japan and will be the basis for upgrading trade relations, as well as lead to an increase in bilateral investments.
The purpose of this Memorandum is to create a practical framework for the development of closer business organization, to determine the ways of cooperation with a view to expanding investment and trade relations between the institutions, and capacity building through mutual cooperation.

Source: InvestBulgaria Agency

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