
Thanks to the recent New Border Measure adopted by the Japanese Government, foreign businessmen started to come back to Japan.

The Trade Promotion Section of the Embassy of Italy has planned in October the organization of the Italian Pavilion at Bio Japan and Japan Home & Building Show, with the representatives of the Italian companies attending the tradeshows in person for the first time since the pandemic.
The Italian participation at Bio Japan (12-14/10/2022) has been organized with a hybrid formula: 4 companies physically took part at the event and 8 chose to join digitally. The project aimed to promote technological innovation, internationalization and improved competitiveness of Italian biotechnology SMEs, technological and scientific parks, and research institutes, as well as to favour in the Japanese market the development of industrial collaboration and scientific-technological partnership between Italian and Japanese companies and research institutes. At the Japan Home & Building Show (26-28/10/2022) the Italian Pavilion, hosting 14 companies physically attending the tradeshow, is intended to present the production of quality Italian stone sector. The aim is to present the excellence and quality of design and innovation of Italian stone production in the Japanese market, contributing to the increase of meetings between Italian and Japanese operators.


Japan Home & Building Show
Bio Japan

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