
In February, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan had the pleasure of organizing a special mission from the Ibaraki Prefecture to Italy, specifically to the Emilia-Romagna Region. The Japanese delegation, led by Governor Kazuhiko Ōigawa and comprised of business owners from Ibaraki Prefecture's food industry, was warmly welcomed in the beautiful city of Bologna by local media and institutions. On Friday, February 9th, both parties convened at Circolo Bononia, one of Bologna's most historic and prestigious venues, for a memorable lunch. Four Michelin-starred chefs — Massimiliano Poggi, Matteo Poggi, Isa Mazzeschi, and Gianluca Gorini — curated an exclusive menu featuring traditional Emilia-Romagna dishes such as Pisarei and Trippa, alongside Ibaraki specialties like Konnyaku and Natto. This fusion of flavors and cultures provided a unique culinary experience aimed at fostering new business opportunities and strengthening the bond between Emilia-Romagna and Ibaraki. This friendship traces back more than 30 years to the Tsukuba Expo of 1986 and continues to thrive with each passing year.

Source: Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan