
Organised on 18 October by Kobe University and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the 12th Annual Kobe University Brussels European Centre symposium Blue Economy, Green Horizons: EU-Japan Research for Healthy, Sustainable Seas and Ocean provided a high-level forum to discuss key issues, and present the latest breakthroughs, in ocean research. The event, on a crucially important theme for both EU and Japan, was an exciting success in terms of attendance, number of speakers, and quality of presentations and debates.

In front of a record audience of 130 participants, the 43 speakers, including DG RTD Director General (Acting) Signe Ratso, Japanese Ambassador Yasushi Masaki, KU President Masato Fujisawa and Horizon Europe Mission Chairman Pascal Lamy, shared forward-looking insights into key issues of economics and governance, technology and innovation, and social sciences. They were joined by senior experts from EU and Japanese universities, research organisations, industry, think-tanks, and medias from Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden and the UK. 

Highlights included a compelling presentation by Pascal Lamy, Chairman of the Board, Mission Restore our Seas and Waters by 2030, on the Digital Twin of the Ocean – an exciting new tool for international research on oceans; and an inspiring keynote by award-winning film-maker Michael Pitiot, illustrated by stunning sequences from his documentaries Planète Océan and Tara Océan.

Other issues addressed in the policy opening, parallel scientific sessions and workshops included: What is the ‘Blue Economy’? What role for Japan and the EU in ensuring a rule-based governance of the seas? How are ‘lawfare’ and ‘grey warfare’ currently playing out in the East China Sea? What are the latest breakthroughs in green shipping, marine robotics, ‘blue-green’ hydrogen energy and fighting plastic pollution? How to build resilience and empower coastal communities? What is the role of scientists, policy makers and media in building ocean awareness and ocean literacy? 

This 12th symposium confirmed the key role of Kobe University, its Brussels European Centre, and its strategic partner the VUB, in promoting high-level policy dialogue and fostering joint research projects between Japan and the EU.

Presenters Ratso, Danckaert and Masaki

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