
Lean in Europe looks at how EU companies use ‘Japanese’ production methods to drive their activities. On 8 December, RATIONAL AG hosted 12 participants from a range of sectors who learnt how Germany’s Factory of the Year uses 6S, kanban and one person/one unit to produce multifunctional appliances used in professional kitchens and has a strong apprenticeship programme to train and retain future leaders. In 2022, the company’s 2,000 employees implemented 7,838 improvement ideas.

Just two more Lean in Europe visits will be organised:

To Kostwein Maschinenbau GmbH on 6 February – Kostwein is a family-owned and led business with a 100-year history of innovation. Today it operates in Europe, the USA and the Indian sub-continent, all led from Klagenfurt in Austria. The company has focused relentlessly on building the capability and capacity of its full team to realise clients’ machine concepts into fully operational equipment, in class-leading delivery times. This Lean in Europe visit will focus on trying to learn how the Kostwein leadership team is working to develop their people and processes to be ready for the next generation of product, process and opportunities.


To Toyota Motor Manufacturing France on 6 March – During the final visit, participants will go to Toyota – the origin of many of these Japanese principles. During the visit, participants will learn how TMMF in Valenciennes uses principles such as just-in-time and Jidoka to drive its daily production of 1,250 Yaris or Yaris Crosses, and will go to the Gemba, learn about the Obeya room, discuss digitalisation deployment and future challenges.

These free Lean in Europe visits are aimed at people involved in their company’s lean activities interested in learning how other companies use lean tools and principles and in sharing good practice. Places are limited.

Lean factory

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