
New “Invest in EU Hub” service: promoting investment opportunities in the EU

(English followed by Japanese)

Earlier this year, the EU-Japan Centre launched an “Invest in EU Hub” service to promote investment opportunities in the EU for Japanese companies. Aimed at Japanese investors, VCs and business leaders, the Hub will highlight the opportunities for and benefits of investing in Europe and will ‘signpost’ users to sources of information and resources at EU-level or in the EU27 Member States.

Currently, the Hub’s webpage lists calls for proposals (such as the “Call for Strategic Projects under the Net-Zero Industry Act” or “NZIA”) supported or co-financed by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank or other EU-level institutions and which are open to Japanese companies in Japan and/or to their EU subsidiaries/affiliates.

In the coming months, the Hub’s webpage will also feature information about investment conditions and support available in individual EU Member States; details of webinars and seminars where Japanese stakeholders can hear from, and interact with, people running the EU-level or Member State-level investment opportunities; profiles of success stories; and other information aimed at stimulating Japanese investment and activities in Europe.

On 31 October, the EU-Japan Centre met with representatives of 17 investment agencies from EU Member States to share ideas and discuss a “Team Europe” approach to highlighting the possibilities the EU offers to Japanese financiers, VCs and other investors. The participants agreed to hold regular meetings and other cooperation.

新サービス “対EU投資ハブ”のご紹介
Invest in EU Hubは日本の投資家向けにEUレベルまたは加盟国のリソースを紹介、EUにおける投資を促進する。

Invest in EU Hub: EUへの投資を促進

EU Hub table

Published: December 2024

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