
Picture from left to right: Henrietta Egerth, Managing Director of FFG; Hiroyuki Suzuki, Executive Vice President, Representative Director of ATR; Bernhard Sagmeister, Managing Director of Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH

The signing of the MoU is intended to underline once again the mutual intention to continue this already very successful cooperation between Austria and Japan! 

"We play a decisive role in promoting research, development and innovation in Austria. However, FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency is not only active at a national level, but also promotes international cooperation e.g. with the Enterprise Europe Network. The close and long-standing relationship with Japan in economic cooperation and bilateral R&D activities is particularly noteworthy," emphasizes FFG Managing Director Henrietta Egerth at the signing ceremony for in-depth cooperation with ATR.

Source and photo credits: FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency

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