
Two main events took place in autumn to promote Italian enogastronomic culture and its products: World Pasta Day and the 7th “Settimana della Cucina Italiana”

On 25 November, the world celebrated the 24th edition of the Pasta Day conceived by Unione Italiana Food and International Pasta Organisation (IPO). Pasta is a simple, yet healthy and tasty dish, loved in all corners of the planet, a symbol of Italian cooking and of the Mediterranean Diet.
The Trade Promotion Section of the Italian Embassy has organized a lunch at Pepe Rosso Restaurant, in Tokyo, proposing an ideal journey through the 20 Italian regions with a taste of traditional pasta recipes to journalists, bloggers and influencers, which published articles and posts on SNS to celebrate the event using #Globalpasta. 

The "Settimana della Cucina Italiana" is a worldwide project promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, together with related ministries and agencies, public organizations, industry organizations, and private companies, with the purpose of promoting quality Italian cuisine and its agri-food products abroad. It started seven years ago and takes place every year in November in all the countries where an Italian diplomatic-consular network is present, and it is increasingly establishing as an event of great importance. This year the "Settimana della Cucina Italiana" was scheduled from 14 to 20 November.
Many events took place around the world in that week: seminars and conferences, meetings with chefs and cooking classes, tastings and dinners, and trade promotion activities.

The Trade Promotion Section of the Italian Embassy has organized a promotion of Italian regional cuisine and its products involving 28 restaurants all over Japan, which proposed to their clients some traditional recipes of the 20 Italian regions for a gastronomic tour of Italy. Check out #italiantaste to know more.

Settimana della Cucina Italiana logo

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