
Trevisobellunosystem is the Territorial Marketing portal of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso - Belluno|Dolomites, chaired by President Mario Pozza, who is also the national president of Assocamerestero, the Association of 86 Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad in 63 countries. Trevisobellunosystem aims to spread awareness of the CCIE network, to create a direct connection between Europe and the world, and to strengthen partnerships between the main stakeholders, both public and private, involving media, institutions and businesses.

A section dedicated to Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad has been set up in Trevisobellunosystem. The section includes the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan based in Tokyo, which the portal is committed to promote by providing information and communication services and periodically publishing their newsletter in order to make the 90,000 businesses in Treviso and Belluno aware of opportunities from Japan. Trevisobellunosystem believes in inter-cultural dialogue, in the respect of national peculiarities and in the cooperation between Italy, Europe and Japan, which can offer benefits to all parties involved.

Source: Camera di Commercio Treviso - Belluno| Dolomiti

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