
In April 2023, the new Ambassador of Japan in Spain as well as a member of the embassy visited Málaga TechPark, the Technology Park in Andalusia, Spain, with the intention of strengthening the business and academic relationship between Japan and Málaga. 

The city of Málaga has become a technology referent at a European and global level thanks to the 30-year efforts of Malaga TechPark and the collaboration with private and public companies, institutions, and academic organisms. The Ambassador Nakamae had the opportunity to learn about the park’s development model and its innovation ecosystem directly through their main representatives, including the president of the park.

In addition, the Ambassador was able to meet the international Japanese enterprise TDK Electronics, established in the Technology Park since 2011 to be part of the environment of companies specialized in the ICT sector in the park.

This event coincided with the IV Cultural Week of Japan in Málaga, held from 17 to 22 April and dedicated to Japanese culture and traditions, with a programme consisting of different conferences, workshops, expositions, and performances. 

Source: Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía, S.A.

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