
On 27 October Mr. Nakagawa Makoto, the Ambassador of Japan to the Slovak Republic, accompanied by Mr. Jozef Zvonček, senior analyst of the Section of Political and Economic Affairs of the Embassy of Japan, paid his visit to the Trnava Regional Chamber of SCCI. His Excellency was acquainted with the activities of Trnava Regional Chamber of SCCI and informed about Japanese companies doing business in Slovakia. Then there was discussion with Slovak companies and organisations, that expressed interest in the meeting. The participating companies and organisations were from various areas of business such as the chemical industry, spa, nuclear energy, simulators and training systems for military and civil aviation and land forces, Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO). 

His Excellency discussed with each company, answered their questions and promised help in their activities towards the Japanese market.  Then the visit continued with the programme at the City Hall of the Trnava and by visiting of the company Trnavske Sladovne (Trnava Melt House), Ltd.

More information

Meeting at Trnava Regional Chamber

Meeting at Trnava Regional Chamber of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI)

Meeting at Trnava Melt House

Meeting at Trnava Melt House,Ltd.


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