
Vitagora’s actions for gathering French & Japanese Life and Food sciences ecosystems

Two and a half years have passed since Vitagora created a Japanese office in Kumamoto prefecture in order to strengthen the links with its Japanese partners. Despite the covid-19 situation, Vitagora has managed to cooperate with local actors such as the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) and the Kyushu Bio Cluster Conference (KBCC) thanks to their Franco-Japanese employee on site, Hanaé Lemaître-Ogura.

Furthermore, Vitagora has advised and supported different French & Japanese companies belonging to their network by sourcing beneficial products and partnerships, answering inquiries on subjects such as export and markets, conducting sensory tests to enable some products to reach the French market, etc. On the institutional level, the organization worked with CLAIR Paris in the process of bringing together French Dijon City and Kumamoto prefecture as part of an economic partnership. Lastly, it has stimulated the French-Japanese ecosystem by participating in numerous webinars with their partners, one of them being the 1st Symposium on Food and Health organized by the NARO, on the theme “Food Science to Market, from Local to Global”.

It is also working on new projects such as partnering with Hokkaïdo Association for Bio-Business (HABB). Vitagora has hired a new employee, Louis Akira Sabatier, who is going to be working from Kumamoto starting from July 2022 in order to pursue its activities, find new opportunities & create new partnerships.

Published: June 2023