
Voka Mechelen-Kempen visits Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto during the World Expo in 2025!

Voka – Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mechelen-Kempen is organizing an economic mission to Japan on 10-18 of May 2025 within the frame of the Osaka World Expo. 

Targeting Flemish companies, the mission of will include:

  • Informal networking with companies from the whole of Flanders in Japan
  • Cross-pollination with Japanese entrepreneurs
  • Meeting governmental bodies and visiting HQ’s of Belgian plants
  • Exploring the cities of Osaka, Tokyo and Kyoto
  • Soaking up Japanese culture

Flemish companies can show their interest before the definitive launch of the mission in June through the link below.

Source: Voka – Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mechelen-Kempen

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Published: March 2024

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