
Workshops on how to access the Japanese market

In its ongoing efforts to help European SMEs to access the Japanese market, the EU-Japan Centre has organized on a regular basis since 2015 various market access workshops to explain about the specificities of doing business in Japan.
Over 80 workshops were organized so far in collaboration with Enterprise Europe Network partners and other EU non-profit entities such as chambers of commerce, regional development agencies or clusters.
The scope of the workshops is to provide factual information on how to access the Japanese market, focusing on a particular sector and/or to provide insights into the Japanese business culture.

The industrial sectors that can be covered during the market access workshops include:

  • Food
  • Textile
  • Biotech/medical devices
  • ICT/IoT/digitalisation
  • Clean-tech/circular economy
  • Cosmetics
  • Furniture

In 2022, the EU-Japan Centre has organized three online workshops on the food sector in Japan and Japanese business culture, working with CCI Occitania in France, Torino Chamber of Commerce in Italy, and Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Poland. Combined, these workshops attracted over a hundred participants.

The workshops are tailored to the strengths and needs of the EU region in question, for example focusing on different subsectors - thus providing valuable insides that cater to the audience in question. Future workshops are expected to be onsite in Romania, Portugal and Belgium.

The EU-Japan Centre invites EEN partners interested in co-hosting online or on-site market access workshops to contact Ana Horvatin at Learn more on our website.

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