
Japanese Industry and Policy News September-October 2022

Topics covered on the September-October issue: 

Legislation and Policy News
-    METI and JAXA began providing hyperspectral sensors (HISUI) satellite data by the platform "Tellus" 
-    METI and NEDO held the 9th Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) 2022
-    METI held the 4th TCFD summit meeting 
-    METI held Hydrogen Ministerial Meeting, renewable energy/low carbon hydrogen to be produced at least 90 million tons by 2030
-    Publication of an international standard for the "truck platooning system" proposed by Japan
-    Bilateral credit building with Georgia, 22nd country

Survey and Business Data
-    The trade deficit in the first half of 2022 is the largest ever at JP¥ 11 trillion
-    Decarbonization of Japan in 2050, zero-emission power supply + CO2 removal technology are essential

Company & Organization News
-    Sony-Honda to launch EV in 2025
-    To the first private moon landing, Japan's lunar lander to be launched in November
-    Shimizu Corporation completes the world's largest SEP ship compatible with the construction of large offshore wind turbines
-    Sojitz to build Green Hydrogen supply network in Europe
-    Sumitomo Corporation collaborates with South Korean company on CCUS and hydrogen production
-    Kao invests in U.S. venture aiming to supply alternative raw materials for palm oil
-    Itochu to build green ammonia supply network in South Africa
-    Suzuki demonstrating biogas in India, car fuel from cow excrement
-    NIDEC collaborates with Norwegian storage battery company FREYR

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