
Position Paper of the EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) on the current COVID-19 pandemic

On 25 May 2020, the EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) issued a Position Paper on the challenges posed by coronavirus, steps that it believes can and should be taken and ideas that could help rebuild the EU and Japanese economies.

The paper was prepared by Mitsubishi Electric and Le Groupe La Poste in consultation with the BRT's 55 Members. The first part of the paper summarises the challenges facing the whole world and identifies areas in which the BRT believes the EU and Japan can cooperate and show leadership. The second part of the paper suggests some steps that could help mitigate medical and economic aspects of the pandemic. The final part of the paper identifies 4 issues the BRT believes could provide opportunities for the EU and Japan as we emerge from the current crisis.

There are two versions of the Position Paper - an English one and a Japanese one.

For more on the BRT, including an introduction to it and a list of its members, please see the main BRT homepage.


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