EEN Japan - Celebrating 10 years of working together booklet and video
Ten years of ‘happy marriage’ of the EU-Japan Centre with EEN
Success Story: Keeling & Walker
Success Story: Think Silicon S.A. / SME
Think Silicon S.A. – from Greece
Success Story: Formosa Gourmet / SME
Formosa Gourmet – from Portugal
Success Story: CYBERNETICA / HRTP / Get ready for Japan / successful cooperation
Cybernetica AS - EE''European companies need to gain insights into peculiarities of the Japanese business culture''
Success Story: Metabolomic Discoveries / SME / Local sales representative to identify new potential partners
Metabolomic Discoveries - From Germany“Local sales representative to identify new potential partners“
Success Story: Remembrane SrL / SME / Patience is a key word when dealing with Japan
Remembrane SrL – IT“Patience is a key word when dealing with Japan“
Success story: Decoreter OÜ (ALPAKA) / SME / stronger presence in Japan
ALPAKA is a boutique scale manufacturer of alpaca fur and wool founded in 2007.
Success Story: Sphere Fluidics / SME / Finding partners in Japan
Sphere Fluidics – from the UK
Success Story: Simune / SME / already international and seeking to grow
Simune Atomistics S.L. – from ESSIMUNE is a company expert in atomistic simulations offering advanced atomic-scale simulation solutions.

EU-Japan Centre's News

The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for expert report proposals for a new periodic monitoring…
The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for expert report proposals for its quarterly ‘Japanese…
The Minerva Policy Reports deliver comprehensive research on the dynamic political, economic, and…


01/08/2024 - 31/03/2025
  The organization of the Vulcanus Programme is pending reception of a grant by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for the Japanese fiscal year 2024-2025: Please note that this call is…
07/10/2024 - 11/10/2024
Are you running a business that operates in the Pharma, Biotechnologies, or Life Sciences sectors? Would you like to present your technologies and products to potential partners and clients from…
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