Preliminary Report on the 2023 Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) regularly conducts a survey titled the METI Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities with the aims of 1) clarifying how the mana
Survey on the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
On the fifth anniversary of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and Japan, the EU Delegation to Japan is launching a Business Survey targeting European business stakeholders.
Survey on the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
On the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Economic Partnership Agreement, the EU Delegation to Japan is launching a Business Survey targeting European business stakeholders.
Newsletter survey
The EU-Japan Centre invites you to fill in a survey about your experience with us.
JETRO Survey on Business Operations of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan
JETRO conducted a survey on foreign-affiliated companies based in Japan and released its report in March.
Survey: help us improve our “About Japan” content
Addressed to EU companies and organizations, this 5-minute survey is anonymous, and will help us plan future content, reports, and webinars releases to better suit Users’ needs.
EU enterprises still uncommon in Japanese government procurement – Survey
A survey among 950 procurement offices of Japanese government organizations has shown that since the enactment of the EPA, participation of EU enterprises in government tenders is still uncommon.
JETRO’s Survey on Business Operations of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan
JETRO conducted a survey of foreign-affiliated companies based in Japan from September to October 2021. This survey was conducted by JETRO to assess the current status of foreign-affiliated companies in Japan, the Japanese business environment, and the state of collaboration/cooperation with Japanese companies and other entities.
AI in Manufacturing: Worker Survey
The EU-Japan.AI project is surveying the attitudes of workers towards the deployment of AI in manufacturing workplaces.
Are Japanese government procurement officials ready for the EPA? Read our survey

EU-Japan Centre's News

The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for expert report proposals for a new periodic monitoring…
The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for expert report proposals for its quarterly ‘Japanese…
The Minerva Policy Reports deliver comprehensive research on the dynamic political, economic, and…


01/08/2024 - 31/03/2025
  The organization of the Vulcanus Programme is pending reception of a grant by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for the Japanese fiscal year 2024-2025: Please note that this call is…
07/10/2024 - 11/10/2024
Are you running a business that operates in the Pharma, Biotechnologies, or Life Sciences sectors? Would you like to present your technologies and products to potential partners and clients from…
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