
Japan : the land of the rising business opportunities (Poland)

March 22 2016

This seminar looked at how the as-yet untapped business potential between Poland (the rest of the EU) and Japan can be realised. Despite current strong ties, the untapped business potential between Poland and Japan is great. The free trade agreement (FTA/EPA) currently being negotiated by the EU and Japan will help realise this potential through eliminating both tariff and non-tariff measures, improving regulatory cooperation and market access in both directions and thereby maximising business opportunities.

The seminar, organised by the EU-Japan Centre and the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, assessed current links between Poland and Japan, the likely impact of the FTA/EPA, heard success stories from two Polish companies that have established links with Japan and identified sources of advice and other help. It was followed by a separate cross-cultural masterclass.

Click here for a report on the main seminar.

Presentations from the event are available via the links at the bottom of this page.

Opening Session

  • Henryka Bochniarz, President, Polish Confederation Lewiatan
  • H.E. Shigeo Matsutomi, Ambassador-designate of Japan to Poland
  • Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Undersecretary of State for Economic Diplomacy, the Americas, Asia and Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Silviu Jora, European Commission / EU Delegation to Japan

Session 2 – Polish-Japan Trade and Business Opportunities Through an EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement

  • Maciej Fałkowski, Deputy Director, Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Director, European Centre for International Political Economy
  • Professor Jan Bossak, Warsaw Schol of Economics, Polish-Japan Economic Committee

Session 3 – Polish Success Stories With Japan

  • Inwatec  Sp. z. o.o - Andrzej Mroz, Vice President and Chief Technology Specialist
  • Animex Foods - Sławomir Łysakowski, Export Specialist

Session 4 – Support For Doing Business in Japan

  • JETRO Warsaw - Naofumi Makino, Director General with a presentation given by Małgorzata Szmidt, Research & Project Coordinator
  • Dariusz Karwowski, Chief Project Manager, Polish Information & Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ)
  • Automotive Employers’ Association of Poland – Pawel Widel, President
  • EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation – Silviu Jora, General Manager

Concluding Remarks – Silviu Jora, General Manager, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

Networking Lunch

Doing business With Japan: Cross-Cultural Tips And Advice – Masterclass

  • Francesco Fiore, Managing Director, Axxe Ltd
  • Aiko Higuchi, Director, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation


Organised by : 

Warsaw, Poland
Director, European Centre for International Political Economy

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama is the director of European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), the leading global economy think tank in Brussels. He has advised numerous governments and international organisations and comments regularly in European, US and Chinese media. Lee-Makiyama is also a Fellow at the London School of Economics, OPEN and sits on a number of task forces and advisory groups on trade, economic reforms and global governance. He is also the lead author of the 2015 Impact Assessment of the EU-Japan FTA for the European Commission.

Vice President and Chief Technology Specialist, INWATEC SP. Z O.O
Export Specialist, Animex Foods
animex.pdf1.75 MB
Research & Project Coordinator, JETRO Warsaw
jetro.pdf5.3 MB
General Manager, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
eujc.pdf1.77 MB

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