
Building a 'Bridge' between the Asia Pacific and the EU

February 10 2016

Building a 'Bridge' between the Asia Pacific and the EU -
The Strategic Significance of the EU-Japan FTA/EPA

This event addressed the dynamic trade policy of the EU and in the Asia-Pacific region, the importance of establishing comprehensive and consistent economic trade rules globally, and the strategic significance of an early and ambitious outcome of the EU-Japan FTA/EPA negotiations.

Following a series of presentations and speeches and a moderated round-table discussion, the panellists answered questions put by the audience.

The panellists were (where applicable, a link has been given to their presentation):

  • Mr. Takayuki UEDA, Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Mr. Marco CHIRULLO, Deputy Chief Negotiator of EU-Japan FTA/EPA, DG Trade, European Commission
  • Mr. Ken ASH, Director of Trade & Agriculture, OECD
  • Prof. Patrick MESSERLIN, Sciences Po Paris (IEP)
  • Mr. Antoine D'ESPOUS, Vice President, The French Federation of Industrial Deli Meat Producers, Delicatessens and Meat Processors (FICT)

The panel discussion was moderated by Dr Françoise NICOLAS, Director of IFRI's Centre for Asian Studies.

The event was organised by JETRO Paris and the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation. A detailed report will be available on this webpage in due course.

The final agenda is available in English, French and Japanese.

Click here for the final event report.

Paris, France

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