
Export Support Webinar on Maritime Transport Sector

November 03 2020

In its ongoing efforts to help European SMEs to access the Japanese market, the EU-Japan Centre is co-organising "Export Support" webinars and workshops in cooperation with the EU member organisations of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) (

This coming webinar for the Maritime transport sector is targeted at EU companies seeking to understand the various segments of the maritime transport industry in Japan, as well as the impact of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement in this sector.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020; 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM CET


10:30 - 10:40 Introduction

  • Ms Nathalie André, CCI Occitanie, Member of the Sector Group Maritime Industries & Services of the Enterprise Europe Network
  • Ms Eivilte Kandrataviciute – EU-Japan Centre's support activities

10:40 - 11:20 JAPAN, Maritime logistics & new business opportunities 

Ms Chieko Nakabayashi, Professor, Researcher and Consultant on Business Development.

  • Latest trends of Japanese maritime logistics
  • Change in Japanese business environment and new business opportunities for maritime logistics
  • Latest case study of Japanese maritime transport, Wakashio, dated July 2020

11:20 - 11:30 Questions & Answers

11:30 - 12:10 How does the EU-Japan EPA impact the various segments of the maritime transport industry?

Mr Max Berre, Economist and journalist with years of Japan-related experience.

  • What coverage the treaty provides to the segments of the maritime transport industry
  • What access and protections this coverage provides
  • How EU SMEs can strategically position themselves to take full advantage of the access the EU-Japan EPA provides.

12:10 - 12 :20 Questions & Answers

12:20 - 12 : 30 Conclusion

For more information, please contact Eivilte at;

The experts:
Mr Max Berre, Economist and Journalist with years of Japan-related experience
Ms Chieko Nakabayashi, Professor, Researcher and Consultant on Business Development, based in Brussels and Tokyo.

Expected participants:
This webinar is addressed to local clients/SMEs of below listed member organisations of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

Event co-organisers: Entreprise Europe Network partner organisations in the EU, members of the Sector Group Maritime Industries & Services.

  • CCI Occitanie (FR) / Ms Nathalie André
  • Rising SUD (FR) /Ms Marie Gonzalez
  • ADI Nouvelle Aquitaine (FR) / Mr Kilian Rausch
  • North Denmark EU Office (DK) / Mr Michael Rafn
  • Tutech Innovation GmbH (DE) / Ms Silke Schleiff
  • Die Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa (DE) / Ms Julia Feddersen

Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

Participation is Free of charge but you need to register.

Registration to this event is now closed.

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