Towards carbon neutrality ~Challenge of Japanese & EU industry and system~
The EU and Japan share an ambitious goal of 2050 carbon neutrality. In order to achieve this goal, industry needs innovation and business model transformation, and policy makers need policy and institutional leads to promote and support industry transformation. This webinar will identify common issues of industry and policy makers in both the EU and Japan, and explore the possibility of cooperation between both region and country.
Webinar on IPRs and firms
The first part of this webinar will illustrate the results of the follow-up report by the EUIPO and the EPO covering the period from 2007-2019 into the role of IPRs by analyzing a representative sample of over 127,000 European firms from all 27 EU member states and the UK. In the second part of the webinar, we will go through the main supporting measures that the JPO provides to support SMEs, and startups which play a vital role in the world’s economy.
Webinar on Sustainable Finance
The purpose of this seminar is to have discussions/dialogues regarding sustainable finance with a view to making good, hopefully well-coordinated policy makings toward the common goal of carbon neutral by 2050.
Japan-EU EPA practical business webinar with a Q & A format
In this webinar, Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office (TKAO), which has an EPA consultation desk commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) on the Japanese side and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Taxation and the Customs Union (DG TAXUD) which is the authority managing, defending and developing the EU's customs strategy, customs procedures and customs controls, will explain how to make good use of the EPA scheme in a Q & A format based on the experience of, and examples from, the past two years.
The EU and Japan : A New Way Forward Industrial Transition Towards Green and Digital Economy
The event will be a platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities notably towards three types of cooperation (i) Regulatory cooperation and new standards, (ii) technological cooperation and industrial innovation, and (iii) EU-Japan Business cooperation in third markets, notably in Asia and Africa.
Webinar on EU-Japan collaborative industrial innovation
~Transforming business in the digital, green and space transitions~ In this webinar, you will be able to:
Webinar: European economy and corporate movements around COVID-19
In this webinar, a speaker from JETRO Tokyo will provide explanations on the Japanese perspective, while a speaker from SMEunited in Brussels will give insights on the European perspective.
Business opportunities in Japan for Czech companies
The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force just over a year ago, and has both strengthened existing business opportunities for Czech and Japanese businesses and cr
Seminar Report: EU-Japan Business Collaborations in Third Markets
Seminar details
Seminar report: EU-Japan Energy Business Seminar
Seminar details

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The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for expert report proposals for its quarterly ‘Japanese…
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