【終了】LET'S MATCH 2014 マッチングイベント

01 October 2014
Bologna, Italy

LET'S MATCHイベントが2014年10月1日にイタリアのボローニャで開催されます。


このイベントは、国際会議LET’S 2014 - Leading Enabling Technologies For Societal Chalenges(Bologna, September 29 - October 1, 2014)の枠組みの中で開催されます。 


Work Program NMP+B Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing

また、イベントの狙いは、新しいHorizon2020のコールに関する質の高いパートナーとの協業関係を構築し、Horizon 2020プロジェクトのコンソーシアムの設立を促進することにあります。

Deadlines      Tasks
12 Sep           Deadline for Registration and submission of profiles
13 - 22 Sep    One-to-One Meetings Selection
24 Sep           Preliminary Agenda with scheduled meetings
26 Sep           Definitive Agenda with scheduled meetings
1 Oct              Bilateral meetings session (10:00 - 15:00)

For registration and details please visit the event website.

****************以下 原文 ******************

LET'S MATCH Brokerage Event will be an intensive day of bilateral meetings that will take place in Bologna on October 1, 2014 among companies (in particular SMEs), research centres and universities interested in starting technological or universities research collaborations in the thematic areas of the event the Work Programme NMP+B.

The event will take place in the framework of the international conference LET’S 2014 - Leading Enabling Technologies For Societal Chalenges (Bologna, September 29 - October 1, 2014).

The Brokerage Event event will focus on the Work Program NMP+B Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing and will aim to building quality partnerships in view of the new Horizon2020 calls and facilitate the setup of Horizon 2020 project consortia.

Deadlines      Tasks
12 Sep           Deadline for Registration and submission of profiles
13 - 22 Sep    One-to-One Meetings Selection
24 Sep           Preliminary Agenda with scheduled meetings
26 Sep           Definitive Agenda with scheduled meetings
1 Oct              Bilateral meetings session (10:00 - 15:00)

For registration and details please visit the event website.

Brokerage Event
ASTER-SIMPLER, in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network, the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE)


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