終了)スペイン研究機関および企業来日予定: Spanish National Research Council at nano tech 2014

28 January 2014

展示会nano tech 2014: 20以上の最先端技術を携え、スペインのスペイン国立研究協議会(Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) )が来日します。


スペインのEENパートナー、スペイン国立研究協議会(CSIC)は、国際ナノテクノロジー総合展「nano tech 2014」に5年連続で出展を続けています。 CSICは、スペインで最大の公的研究機関であり、ヨーロッパ全体では3番目の規模を誇ります。 15,000人以上の職員(8,000研究者)を擁し、国内128か所にあるリサーチセンターでは様々な分野の研究がおこなわれています:人文社会科学、生物学、生物医学、天然資源、農業科学、物理科学と技術、材料科学と技術、食品科学および化学科学技術など。 

今回のnano tech 2014では、CSICは以下の産業分野での適用が考えられる技術オファーを展示します:環境発電(エネルギーハーベスティング)、電池や太陽光発電、生物医学、光検出器やその他の検出装置、計測、ナノ複合材料、コーティング、グラフェンobtainingなど.

最新の産業プロセスやテクノロジーに基づき、実現可能な技術がオファーされています。CSICの持つ特許技術に興味がある産業化パートナー、関連ノウハウをご希望の企業、共同研究開発パートナーをお探しの企業は、ぜひ当ブースにお越しください。(ブース:Spain booth 5Q-17.)


Javier Maira, j.maira@orgc.csic.es

Juan Echevarría,  jeche@ifca.unican.es

Next-Tip is a spin-off of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Their aim is to fabricate high added value Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) tips specially designed for high resolution in dynamic modes.
Their technology is based on the coating of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) tips with nanoparticles of controlled size and chemical composition. The small size of the nanoparticles deposited (2-3 nm) provides high spatial resolution and sensitivity. As the deposition is performed under Ultra High Vacuum conditions the purity of the nanoparticles is guaranteed and provides the chemical functionalization of the tip (i.e.: for uses in Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, KPFM). In resume, the nanoparticles deposited at the end of the tips do act as the final probes in microscopy, enhancing the spatial resolution with the intrinsic physical and chemical properties of the nanoparticles. Apart from this, these tips present a long-life performance, significantly longer than conventional tips. This is particularly interesting when measuring in ambient controlled conditions such as ultra-high vacuum or low temperature, where the duration of a tip is a key issue.

The company is looking for collaborations to develop new products applicable to new emerging SPM modes. In addition, they are seeking industrial partners with technological problems for future applications of our products or development of new ones. 

David López, info@next-tip.com
Lidia Martinez, lidia.martinez@next-tip.com 


A Spanish EEN partner the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has attended the International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference in Tokyo ‘nano tech’ for the last five years. CSIC is the largest Spanish public research entity in Spain and the third in Europe. With more than 15,000 employees (8,000 scientific researchers) and 128 research centers distributed throughout the country it covers all fields of knowledge: Humanities and Social Sciences, Biology and Biomedicine, Natural Resources, Agricultural Sciences, Physical Science and Technologies, Materials Science and Technology, Food Science and Technology and Chemical Science and Technology.

For this edition nano tech 2014 , CSIC brings a renewed set of technological offers for applications in several areas including developments in energy harvesting, batteries and photovoltaics, biomedical,  photodetectors and other sensing devices, measurement, nanocomposites, coatings, graphene obtaining, etc. 

A set of technological offers able to be implemented in the top industrial process and technologies are offered.  Industrial partners interested in a patent license and the reception of the associated know-how for its exploitation or agreeing R&D collaboration are foreseen.

CSIC is looking forward to welcoming visitors at the Spain booth 5Q-17.

For more information contact:

Javier Maira, j.maira@orgc.csic.es
Juan Echevarría,  jeche@ifca.unican.es


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