Report: Japan's Premium Food market
This report targets EU food companies seeking to find new export markets, in this case Japan.
Report: Japanese Consumers' Behavior (by age and gender)
This report provides an overview of the current situation on the Japanese consumer market (as of January 2021).
Report: Japanese Convenience Stores and Drugstores: Opportunities for European Snack and Beverage Products under Corona
This report presents an overview of trends and opportunities on the Japanese convenience store and drugstore market under the Corona pandemic and delivers strategic insight, tactical guidance and real-life examples of how to succeed in the Japanese convenience store and drugstore market.
Report: Japanese Cosmetics Market Obstacles and Opportunities for European SMEs
The report attempts to provide an overview of the Japanese cosmetic market.
Report: Japanese Electronics Sector

About the Report:

Report: Japanese Plastic Products and Components

About the Report

This report titled 'Plastic Products and Components

Report: Market Situation and Potentials in Japan for Plastic Recycling Technologies
What business opportunities does the Japanese plastic recycling market offer to EU SMEs?
Report: Market Situation and Potentials in Japan for Technologies for Solid Biomass Utilization
This report shows the wide variety of biomass utilisation in Japan.
Report: Nanomedicine Market

About the Report

This report on the Japanese Nanomedicine Market examines the g

Report: Nanotechnology Applied to ICT

About the Report

This report covers the main applications of nanotechnology i

Report: Newspace Market in Japan
The report will provide information regarding the main players in the Japanese Space Industry, applicable regulations for Japanese companies, and identified suppliers related to the space sector.
Report: Opportunities for EU Companies in Japan’s Organic Food & Beverage Market

About the Report 

Report: Opportunities rising from new products developments through R&D projects between European SMEs and Japanese companies
The main objective of this report is to show and analyze the opportunity that exists in the creation of new products through technological projects between Japanese companies and European SMEs.
Report: Optics & Photonics

About the Report

The objective of this report is to give European companies an

Report: Pet Market in Japan

About the Report

This report provides an analysis of the pet market in Japan.

Report: Pet Products Market in Japan
Japan’s pet industry is one of the largest in the world, worth over JPY1.65 trillion (Euro1.2 billion) at retail value. Unlike many product categories in Japan, pet products are unusual since foreign manufacturers, especially in pet food, have the largest market shares rather than domestic Japanese companies.
Report: Petrochemicals and Polymeric Materials in Japan
This report gives an overview of Japan’s chemical industry.
Report: Photonics for life science and industrial manufacturing, business and cooperation opportunities in Japan
The report aims at giving EU SMEs the market intelligence to make better-informed decisions when entering the Japanese market.
Report: Railways Market in Japan
The report analyses recent developments of the Japanese railway industry. From a European perspective, the Japanese railroad sector exhibits many peculiarities that make it significantly different from railroad markets in EU countries.
Report: Renewable Energies in Japan

About the Report

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the renewable

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