Report: The Beer market in Japan
Japan is the world’s 7th largest consumer of beer. A late comer in the market, two of its largest manufacturers are today among the best and largest players worldwide.
Report: The Biopharmaceuticals Sector in Japan
This report aims to map out the current state of the biopharmaceuticals market in Japan.
Report: The Country-of-Origin Effect in Japan
This report follows a research on the impact of product origins in the product evaluation of the (Japanese) consumer.
Report: The Japanese Agrifood Market
The report aims to contribute to the support of EU exporters of food products to Japan.
Report: The Japanese Clean Energy Sector Development

About the Report

Report: The Japanese Composite Material Sector
This report gives an overview of the Japanese market for composite materials.
Report: The Japanese cosmetics and quasi drugs market
This report presents new ways to rethink strategy and market entry on the Japanese market.
Report: The Japanese Furniture and Home Fashion Market
This report presents an overview of trends and opportunities on the Japanese furniture and home fashion market, and deliver strategic insight, tactical guidance and real-life examples of how to succeed in this market.
Report: The Japanese jewellery market
The aim of this report is to: (a) present an overview of trends and opportunities on the Japanese jewellery market, drawn from the experiences of European companies, and to (b) deliver strategic insight, tactical guidance and real-life examples of how to succeed in the Japanese jewellery market.
Report: The Japanese Leather and Footwear Markets

About the Report: 

Report: The Japanese market of single-use plastic products and potential substitutes
Marine pollution from plastic waste is a growing concern that is attracting more and more attention.
Report: The Japanese Meat Market

About the Report: 

Report: The Japanese Model for a Bioeconomy

About the Report: 

Report: The Japanese Solar PV Market
This report aims to clarify the recent evolutions in the Japanese renewable energy/PV market, and its implications for potential European investors.
Report: The Japanese Startup Ecosystem - Opportunities for EU Collaboration
This report gives an overview of the startup environment in Japan.
Report: The Japanese Wine Market

About the Report

Report: The Log House Market in Japan
This work is a snapshot of the position that log houses occupy in the Japanese housing market and the opportunities that European SMEs related to this sector can encounter in it.
Report: The Market for Biogas Plants in Japan and Opportunities for EU Companies

About the Report 

Report: The Medical Devices Market in Japan
The report targets EU SMEs that are manufacturing medical devices and seeking to enter the Japanese market.
Report: the Microalgae - Biomass Industry in Japan
The report presents the profile of the Microalgae and Microalgal Biomass Industry in Japan.
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