
セミナー(ワルシャワ):ポーランド産業界向け日本ビジネスセミナー Japan : the land of the rising business opportunities

March 22 2016


This seminar in Warsaw looked at how the as-yet untapped business potential between Poland (the rest of the EU) and Japan can be realised.

Despite current strong ties, the untapped business potential between Poland and Japan is great. The free trade agreement (FTA/EPA) currently being negotiated by the EU and Japan will help realise this potential through eliminating both tariff and non-tariff measures, improving regulatory cooperation and market access in both directions and thereby maximising business opportunities.

This seminar, organised by the EU-Japan Centre and the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, assessed current links between Poland and Japan, the likely impact of the FTA/EPA, hear success stories from Polish companies that have established links with Japan and identify sources of advice and other help. It was followed by a cross-cultural masterclass.

Seminar Report (English)


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Warsaw, Poland
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