To ensure the quality and safety of goods and services provided to Japanese government entities, in quite a few categories certain standards need to be met or licenses obtained. In particular, in tenders where a product is produced specifically for the procuring entity suppliers have to meet industrial standards.  

Although not mandatory, adherence to Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) is important for companies who aim to become involved in the Japanese government procurement process. Products complying with JIS standards are given preferential treatment in procurement decisions under the Industrial Standardization Law.

 For sectors such as construction, licenses specific to Japan need to be obtained in order to be eligible to execute a contract and in order to supply medical related items various licenses and permissions need to be secured.

 Due to their complexity and variety, these pages are limited to general information about standards and licenses. The Helpdesk can however assist you with more individual questions  and how to obtain licenses.

 With regard to standards and regulation for import of goods into Japan, the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), also offers a variety of information on standards and licences.

Link: Standards and Regulations (JETRO)

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