Case study: LPR srl

LPR srl – from IT

LPR srl was founded in 1952 in

EPA Helpdesk Webinar 20: Vehicles

How can EU producers of vehicles benefit from EPA concessions in exportin

10:30 - 11:30
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 38: Vehicles

How can EU producers of vehicles benefit from EPA concessions in exportin

10:30 - 11:30
Export to Japan 5: Technical regulations - Motor Vehicles

What should you know when exporting to Japan in motor vehicle

10:30 - 11:00
Factsheet: EPA & Vehicles

About the Factsheet

Report: Alternative Vehicle Technologies in Japan
This report describes new technologies applied to the Japanese vehicle industry.
Report: Automobile and Transport Cluster Mapping and Industry
This report presents an overview of the Automobile and Transport Cluster and Industry Landscape in Japan.
Report: Autonomous Driving System Developments in Japan
This report aims to map out the current progress of Japan in this promising market.
Report: Exporting Automotive Parts to Japan
This report provides an overview of the Japanese automotive industry and the options available to European companies interested in expanding into this market.
Report: Opportunities in nine digital technology areas
The report has the purpose to show a map of opportunities for venture firms, universities and research institutes in the EU to conduct knowledge transfer with Japanese counterparts in nine digital technology areas.
Report: Smart Mobility Market in Japan and Opportunities for EU SMEs
The modern world is changing swiftly – the technological, environmental, societal challenges are addressed with new solutions.
Webinar 125: Autonomous Driving Systems Development in Japan

What are the significant advancements in autonomous driving systems in Ja

16:00 - 17:00
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