EPA & Vehicles

About Vehicles:

Providing 13.8 million jobs, the automotive industry is a key EU employer. Due to its strong economic links to many other industrial sectors, it has an important multiplier effect in the economy. The automotive industry is also a key sector in Japan and represents the core of the Japanese manufacturing sector: 8.3% of the population was employed in automotive-related jobs in 2015. The EU-Japan EPA represents new opportunities to EU companies seeking to export vehicles and parts products to Japan. EU exports of vehicles and parts thereof have been liberalised and enter duty free in Japan and a majority of these tariff lines have been liberalised at MFN level while others were liberalised at the entry into force of the EPA, as a concession in this Agreement.

The complete text of the EPA, and Annexes, incorporating the Articles on vehicles, can be found on the following website of the European Commission:



A factsheet has been published on this topic. Please click here to get access.

In addition, webinars were organised on this topic:

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