

Press review: November 2022
In this section you will find this month's press review, which contains a selection of some of the most interesting Japan-related online articles that have been published over the past month.
Partnership Opportunities: Japanese Profiles of the Month
Japanese companies with various profiles are looking for European partners. Should you be interested in one of those profiles, please email us!
Upcoming webinars in January 2023
In case you do not manage to attend live sessions, you can also check the recordings of previous sessions.
Upcoming webinars in November 2022
In case you do not manage to attend live sessions, you can also check the recordings of previous sessions.
Special Focus - Pet Products market
This month in "Special Focus", we highlight the Pet Products market. Information on the related sub-topics, latest reports and webinars on this topic are available on the following link.
EU and Japan strengthen Economic Cooperation through High-Level Dialogue
On 25 October, the EU and Japan reconfirmed their strategic alignment on key economic and geopolitical challenges.
Partnership Opportunities: Japanese Profile of the Month
A Japanese pipe fitting manufacturer is seeking distribution partners and sales agents in the EU.
Press review: October 2022
In this section you will find this month's press review, which contains a selection of some of the most interesting Japan-related online articles that have been published over the past month.
Upcoming webinars in October
In case you do not manage to attend live sessions, you can also check the recordings of previous sessions.
Press review: September 2022
In this section you will find this month's press review, which contains a selection of some of the most interesting Japan-related online articles that have been published over the past month.
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  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
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