
Spotted events: EU-Japan

The Polish-Japanese Investment Forum

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency together with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tokyo, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) and Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (PCCIJ) are organizing Polish-Japanese Investment Forum on March 6th 2023 in Tokyo.

The event, which will be attended by representatives of the Polish and Japanese authorities and business circles of both countries. The forum will be devoted to Polish-Japanese cooperation in the energy sector, investment projects and presentations of Polish startups.

The Polish delegation will be led by the Minister of Development and Technology, Mr. Waldemar Buda.

The agenda is available at this link.

Participation in the event is free.

Applications accepted via the registration form until March 3, 2023.

More information here.

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