
Report: Nanotechnology Applied to ICT

About the Report

This report covers the main applications of nanotechnology in the Japanese ICT industry. Here, European companies can learn about the evolution of various nanotechnology-related subcategories within the Japanese electronics and ICT industries as well as the value of the Japanese nanotech-ICT market. This report also provides up-to-date information concerning trends in the market for associated products and technologies such as communication and optical devices, imaging devices, as well as wireless sensor and communication devices. The report also outlines Japan’s relevant laws and regulations as well as information on forthcoming nanotechnology-related trade fairs and seminars.

About the Expert:

Mr. Van Der Weeën  has over 15 years of consulting experience in the Japanese information technology sectors. Click here to access his profile 

Picture: RFID tags
Picture Copyright: Wikipedia under the GNU Free Documentation Licence

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