
Presentation: Changes in Japanese Business Culture

About the Presentation 

This presentation provides an overview of recent trends and changes in Japan's business culture. It will address among other things: 1) The concept of Keiretsu and its role in Japanese business culture, 2) The current state of gender equality in Japan and how this may affect your relations with potential Japanese business partners, 3) The Japanese lifetime employment system and how this practice is increasingly being replaced by temporary contracts, and finally 4) Present and future challenges for Japan’s business culture.

About the Experts

Olivier Van Beneden is a Brussels-based consultant and co-founder of Japan Consulting Office (JCO) an organisation which offers considerable expertise both in the Japanese market and in Japan’s unique cultural and business environment. Olivier has substantial knowledge of both of the challenges of the Japanese market and of what EU SMEs must do in order to succeed in Japan.


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