
Special Focus - Clothing & Jewellery

Knowing the specifics of the Japanese market is vital for any project to succeed. This month in "Special Focus", we highlight the Clothing and Jewellery markets. Information on the related sub-topics, latest reports and webinars on this topic are available on the following links.

Finding new export channels is critical for any business but especially now following the Covid-19 crisis. Japan offers EU companies a real opportunity to find new sales.

Close to 126 million sophisticated consumers with high purchasing power and discerning tastes make Japan the third largest consumer market in the world. Japanese consumers also have much higher savings levels than many markets so, even in a downturn, have more spending capacity.


The apparel and textile markets are stable and Japanese demand for great design, quality and function from EU firms remains very strong.

Japan has developed to become the influential lead-goose in Asia in new areas like lifestyle, fashion, and other trends. This is also the case with the Japanese jewellery market. Succeeding in the Japanese market is of strategic importance for European jewellery brands.


Because competition between retailers is intensifying, demand for new and exciting products from the EU not yet sold in Japan is increasing.

Register to our upcoming webinars to learn more about the Japanese fashion and jewellery markets and discover the various opportunities:

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