
Videos - Business Culture

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We have put together a number of e-learning videos for members to enjoy at their leisure. This section is targeted to EU companies seeking to create, develop or improve their businesses with Japan and Japanese partners.

To access the recordings of our past sectorial and procedural webinars, please visit this link.

Presentation: Effective Collaboration with the Japanese
This presentation will introduce you to the various cultural and behavioural differences between Japanese and European cultures.
Presentation: My Three Recommendations
Those six video present companies which are successfully doing business with Japan.
Presentation: Japanese Culture
This presentation provides a brief introduction to the major elements that have shaped Japanese culture over the course of its long and rich history.
Presentation: Changes in Japanese Business Culture
This presentation provides an overview of recent trends and changes in Japan's business culture.
Presentation: The Realities of Business in Japan
This presentation will outline and explain the various distribution channels which are available to you for your business venture in or with Japan.
Presentation: Managing Quality Claims in Japan
This presentation will explain how to understand and meet the quality expectations of Japanese clients and business partners.
Presentation: Customer Service in Japan
This presentation will cover Japan’s famously high-quality customer service, and what will be expected of you by Japanese consumers and business partners.
Presentation: Challenges of the Japanese Market
This presentation addresses the various barriers to the Japanese Market from a cross-cultural perspective.
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  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
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  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
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1 EUR = 170,957 JPY