
Report: Online Language-Learning Market in Japan

About the Report:

This report titled 'e-Learning/Online LanguageLearning Market in Japan' gives a detailed overview of the educational products and services which contitute the e-Learning market in Japan. The learning methods include a wide range ICT devices such as software for PC, tablets, mobile phones as well as gaming devices. As this report suggests, the technology introduced through these e-Learning systems affects the entire education sector - not only it introduces new methods for creating, storing, distributing, and producing learning content, but also simplifies the collection and management of study results and the interaction with the learners. Furthermore, the domestic e-Learning market in Japan for fiscal year 2014 was projected to expand to 166.5 billion JPY (around 1.3 billion EUR), which suggests relatively high increase compared to the previous year. In this context, business opportunities for European companies in this market lie in finding the right niche for their service.

About the Expert

Mr. Van Der Weeën has over 15 years of consulting experience in the Japanese information technology sectors. Click here to access his profile.

The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for online viewers here. (Once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information")

Picture: Tokyo Akihabara gadgets - electronic dictionaries and reference books
Copyright: Under the GNU Free Documentation License

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1 EUR = 170,835 JPY