
Keys to Japan - Your Market Entry Plan for Japan 2021

“Keys to Japan” competition: the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation supports EU / COSME SMEs with a sponsorship for a personal  market entry plan/feasibility study (worth € 10,000. SME’s contribution: €300).  The Entry plan  will be delivered by the prestigious Japan Market Expansion Competition

Deadline to apply: 2 July 2021 - 17h30 Tokyo local time.

For 2021 there will be two winners.

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Any relevant industrial or consumer product or service company is eligible to apply (please see more conditions below).
  • Applicants must be citizens of an EU Member-State or COSME Third Country working in a management position for a SME headquartered in the EU or in a COSME Third Country.
  • Applicants must be at least 20 years of age at the date of submission of the application form.

Valid applications will be assessed on the quality of the proposed market entry project, the justifications given for wanting to enter the Japanese market, the potential for a successful market entry of the product / service, and on possible risks and challenges in Japan.



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1 EUR = 171,438 JPY