
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Factsheet: EPA & Meat Products
The aim of this Factsheet is to explain to EU meat exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.
Factsheet: EPA & Wine
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU wine exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Factsheet: EPA & Dairy Products

About the Factsheet

Factsheet: EPA and Spirits & Beer Products
The aim of this Factsheet is to explain to EU beer and spirits exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.
Report: All about Starting a Business in Japan Version 2018
This report is the updated version on our previous report published in 2013.
Factsheet: EPA & Geographical Indications
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU exporters of products protected by EU geographical indications (GIs), the opportunities offered by the EPA as regards to such protection in Japan.
Report: How to open a representative office in Japan
This report gives comprehensive and practical step-by-step guidelines for European SMEs that are considering how to invest and open a representative office in Japan.
Report: The Japanese market of single-use plastic products and potential substitutes
Marine pollution from plastic waste is a growing concern that is attracting more and more attention.
Infopack: EPA & Government Procurement
Although European firms already have access to the Japanese government procurement market, through the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), the EU-Japan EPA will provide additional opportunities to gain Japanese government contracts.
Report: Artificial intelligence in Japan and Opportunities for European Companies
An abundance of opportunities exist to European companies hoping to invest in startups and top-scaled Japanese AI firms.
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  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
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1 EUR = 170,810 JPY