
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Report: Automobile and Transport Cluster Mapping and Industry
This report presents an overview of the Automobile and Transport Cluster and Industry Landscape in Japan.
Report: Healthcare and Welfare Cluster Mapping and Industry Landscape in Japan
This report attempts to map the healthcare and welfare systems of Japan.
Report: Online Language-Learning Market in Japan
This report gives a detailed overview of the educational products and services which contitute the e-Learning market in Japan.
Report: Toy Industry and Market in Japan
This report gives a brief overview of the Japanese toy market.
Report: White Biotechnology
This report describes some of the mechanisms by which EU SMEs can get involved in Biotechnology in Japan
Report: The Non-Life Insurance Sector in Japan
This report is the result of extensive research into the non-life insurance industry in Japan.
Report: Cross Cultural Issues
This report titled gives an overview of basic Japanese business etiquette.
Report: Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
This report suggests various opportunities for European companies that will arise from the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2020.
Report: Sector Mapping and Industry Landscape of the Cleantech Industry in Japan
This report gives a brief overview of various cities and sectors of the clean-tech industry in Japan.
Report: Contract Management Vol. 2 "Protection of Consumers' Rights"
This report is intended to help EU companies which sell and/or purchase goods and/or services for business purposes, such as reselling, manufacturing, providing services in Japan.
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1 EUR = 170,810 JPY