27-05-2019 | 10:00 - 11:00

The number of patent applications from Europe filed at the JPO was over 20,000, which accounts for more than a third of the total number of patent applications filed at the JPO from overseas (2017).  Even if your patent is successfully granted, are you ready to enforce your patent rights in an efficient way?  If your patent is infringed, how should you counter this?  How should you take proper precautions in order to prevent infringement?  We will introduce these measures based on the practice and systems in Japan from the viewpoint of designs and trademarks, in addition to patents.  During this webinar, we will especially focus on preliminary injunctions, which are expected to be efficient for enforcement in Japan. We believe this will be helpful and easily comprehensible not only for patent holders who already have patent rights in Japan, but also for people who are considering filing a patent application at the JPO.

Registration deadline: 24/05/2019

Topics covered in this webinar:

  • Comparison of preliminary injunctions and infringement lawsuits
  • Countermeasures against counterfeit items and the defects in customs injunctions
  • Responding to customs injunctions
  • Preliminary injunctions
  • Infringement lawsuits
  • The discovering of infringing goods

Speakers:  Hiroyuki Hashimoto and Satoru Mohri are patent attorneys at Shiga International Patent Office
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office
Moderator: Luca Escoffier is a Project Manager of the EU-Japan Technology Transfer Helpdesk

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