
Special Focus: Materials

This month in the “Special Focus” section, we focus on the materials market in Japan.

Information on the various related sub-sectors, the latest reports as well as the registration for upcoming webinar on this topic are available on the following links. 


As a small island nation, Japan lacks virtually all of the raw materials required for its industrial sector. Despite this, it is a world leader in the production of products which require millions of tons per year of raw materials. To find out more, please see below:

About Materials 

Amongst the different kinds of polymers are rubber and carbon fibre. These two types, particularly relevant in Japan, will be the focus of this section. Rubber is an important material for Japan’s automotive industry, a pillar of the country’s economy. Not only is Japan one of the world’s largest consumer of rubber but most of its rubber is used for its tyre production, one of the main products exported. To read more, please see below:


Japan’s traditional craft industries, ceramic and glass-making, have recently found new applications in the automotive and aerospace sectors as well as in the production of technological devices. If you wish to find out more on the Japan’s ceramic and glass market, please click on the link below:

Ceramic & Glass


This report studies the Japanese plastic products and components sectors. It outlines the various regulations governing the export of plastic products to Japan, as well as the laws concerning labelling and packaging, taxes and tariff rates of plastics in Japan. To read the report, please click on the link below:

Japanese Plastic Products and Components       

This report analyses Japanese ceramic market, with a main focus on ceramic tableware, wall and floor tiles and bio-ceramics. It looks into distribution channels, regulation and labelling, retail system in Japan and local key producers. In addition, this reports provides with a list of key players in the market and identifies potential challenges and opportunities for European companies in this sector. Please click below, to access this report:

Ceramic Products Market in Japan


The webinar on the Japanese Composite Material Sector will take place on October 29. The webinar is targeted at EU companies seeking business opportunities in the composite materials sector in Japan, e. g. in applications such as automotive, aerospace or wind energy. For more information and to register, please see below:

The Japanese Composite Material Sector – Opportunities for EU Companies

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