
Special Focus: Food and Beverage

This month in the “Special Focus” section, we focus on the food and beverage sector in Japan.

Information on the various related sub-sectors and the latest reports is available on the following links. 


Japan’s status as a cultural superpower is perhaps best exemplified by the global popularity of Japanese cuisine. In addition to its international popularity, Japanese food also enjoys a reputation for promoting health and longevity, with its traditional emphasis on rice, fish and seasonal ingredients. To find out more, please see below:

About Food & Beverage

Europe is the foremost exporter of liquor and wine worldwide, and the Japanese liquor market is one of the biggest in the world with annual sales estimated at over 6 trillion yen. For more information, please click on the link below:


Japan is both one of the world’s most technologically advanced nations and also a small-scale agricultural producer, making it a major importer of wheat and other cereals. To read more, please see below:


Despite weak economic growth, Japan still possesses the largest and most mature confectionary market in the Asia-Pacific region. To find out more, please see below:


The Japanese dairy sector has recently experienced a sustained period of strong growth. The dairy sector is the third largest in Japanese industry and will observe the fifth largest increase in the same period. To read more:


Japan has one of the largest health food markets in the world, and also has the market with the strictest regulations. For more information, please click on the link below:

Functional & Health Foods

Japan’s rapidly shifting demographics are beginning to have an effect on popular eating habits. In particular, the rising percentage of people over 65 as well as the increasing number of single-person households mean that more consumers are adopting “eat-in” habits.  To find out more, please see:


The Japanese processed food market has traditionally been regarded as difficult to enter. However the growing popularity of convenient and economical ready-to-eat meals which has opened up the market to foreign investors is being brought about by a combination of factors. Read the full text:

Processed & Frozen Foods

When it comes to soft drinks, the Japanese market is widely regarded as being an excellent test market for new products, owing to the willingness of Japanese consumers to experiment when it comes to new flavours. For more information on the soft drinks market in Japan, please see below:

Soft Drinks


This report provides an overview of the organic and health food sectors in Japan. It summarises and reviews the most important laws and guidelines made by the relevant ministry for certifying organic food products in Japan. To read the report, please click on the link below:

Organic and Health Food in Japan

To access other reports on this topic, please click on the links below:

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1 EUR = 171,546 JPY