09-05-2017 | 10:00 - 11:00

How to generate and manage knowledge in multi-cloud environments; the iKaaS project approach.

Nowadays, the pervasiveness of IoT devices in Smart Cities (let them be sensors/actuators, personal devices like mobile phones etc.) creates a wealth of information that if manipulated appropriately can reveal knowledge and insights of unprecedented value for Smart City applications. In addition to IoT devices, the infrastructure owned even by individuals these days has raised to a level that it can support functionalities traditionally offered by legacy cloud installations. Therefore, in addition to data, infrastructure itself can be contributed to create a multi-cloud environment that pushes the notion of edge/fog computing to its extreme. This magnitude and heterogeneity of (big) data and infrastructure, raises both opportunities and challenges; the latter being more pivotal in cross-border scenarios which escalate both technological and privacy/regulation considerations in the interconnections of clouds and transfer of data. iKaaS has been working to address the involved challenges and pave the way for trouble-free multi-cloud based services spanning even across country and continent borders.

The webinar is targeted to EU and Japanese companies and organisations seeking to learn about iKaaS and reuse the results of the project; many of which will be provided as open software.

Registration deadline: 08/05/2017

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover:

  • what are the key challenges in “IoT+Big Data+Cloud” joint consideration
  • how these can be overcome to unleash the full power of this combination
  • how iKaaS can empower Smart City applications
  • what cross-border issues can arise and how they can be tackled
  • what you can get out from iKaaS to augment your business portfolio


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Stylianos Georgoulas, University of Surrey, UK, Project Manager of the iKaaS project 
Dr Shinsaku Kiyomoto, KDDI Research Inc., Japan, Project Coordinator of the iKaaS project
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

After Event Information

This event has been recorded. Please click here to get access to the recorded session.

If you would like to access our guest speaker's PowerPoint slides, please click here.

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