
Food & Drink Mission for EU SMEs

Save the date! 
The NEW mission is targeting the Food & Drink sectors and will be organised on the fringes of the FoodEx 2018 that will take place in Chiba, Japan in March (

The 5-day mission is composed of lectures, BtoB meetings, networking events and EU delegation booth to maximize partnering opportunities. Prior to the mission an online pre-departure briefing will be organised to enable participants to better prepare the mission and, during which experts will present an overview of the sector and how to communicate with future Japanese potential partners.


This mission will facilitate the first contact that could be the door leading to new business opportunities.

• Gain knowledge about market structure, sector analysis, Japanese business culture and policy etc.
• Identify relevant key contacts (decision makers, potential business partners etc.)
• Establish relationships with potential partners (trade and technology)
• Benefit from face-to-face meetings leading to possible business opportunities

For more information about this mission, please visit

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